Q: I just purchased BatchPhoto. How do I activate the full version?
A: Firstly, you need to download and install the trial version of
BatchPhoto from here. No need to uninstall
if you already have the trial version installed.
Activate the full version of BatchPhoto:
Go to Start > Programs > BatchPhoto > BatchPhoto (shortcut)
Click on Buy Now button from the startup dialog
Click on Activate button from Step 2 (or go to Help > Activate)
Enter the name and code combination, received via email
If your question has not been answered above, you can:
Familiarize yourself with the interface and the basic features of
BatchPhoto by watching this short presentation:
How To Resize Photos
We often need to make our pictures smaller so we can upload them
to photo sharing sites, share them via a messenger application or
send them by email. In this presentation you will learn how:
How To Convert Images
JPG, TIF, PNG, GIF are types of files that store digital pictures.
Each has it's strengths and weaknesses. Here you learn how
to use BatchPhoto to convert between those image formats and 130+
How To Add Date/Time
Having the Date printed on the picture itself is sometimes very
handy, especially if we want to print the digital photos on plain
old paper. BatchPhoto can imprint the original date/time when the
photos were taken with ease, here is how:
How To Watermark
If you upload pictures online it's very easy for others to copy
and use them without your permission. If you want to prevent
that, BatchPhoto is just the tool for the job. Learn how to use it
to watermark your photos:
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